The insider — black girl magic
Interview with Should You Use Relaxers on Your Child’s Hair?
Posted by Michelle-Nichole Jones on

Last week, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Emerald Elitou for I weighed in with my thoughts on a children getting relaxers. Many of you know how I feel about relaxers, but at the end of the day, I believe that if anyone does decide to get a relaxer, it should be an educated decision. One should know all the risks, including the findings that this causes cancer, fibroids, and reproductive issues in born-female bodies. Children are another story when it comes to making that decision. Tap here to read more.
- Tags: 4c hair, African american hair, afro textured hair, black girl magic, bouncedolls, Children, expert hair tips, hidden dangers in relaxers, kiddie perms, kinky coily hair, relaxers, uterine cancer, viral videos
The Bouncedolls Initiative
Posted by Michelle-Nichole Jones on
We believe women of color that walk bravely in their journey deserve to be celebrated and connected. #blackgirlmagic The Bounce Dolls brand was built from a need of inclusion. The brand was initially created as home for hairstylists and makeup artist to grow in the fashion industry, a place for artists to advance. That area of the industry was so energizing that we began to attract more like-minded women to our salon, growing the BounceDolls family! We are moms, bosses, geniuses, scientist, singers, artists, lawyers and whatever else we aspire to be. You have inspired us in so many unique...
- Tags: black girl magic, bouncedolls